The Elman Induction is my number one, “Go To” Induction when working with new clients. Many of my clients have come to me with no little or no experience, and no knowledge or frame of reference for what hypnosis feels like, except maybe from movies and the media. Many of the situations these clients come to me for are issues that have to do with past trauma. I find I am very often using regression and parts work, followed by time line techniques to help my clients succeed at helping to bring resolution to their situations.
Elman Induction: The “Go To” Hypnosis Induction
While instant inductions can be fun, they are often not appropriate for what many of my clients come to see me about. They often need to experience a trance state, realize how pleasant and relaxing it can be, and move into hypnosis so we can get to work. I have to be able to take them into trance without jarring or shocking them, and I have to do it in a timely manner. The Elman Induction has a ready built system for not only easing someone into a pleasant, relaxing trance state, but also for building rapport, and has built in convincers, and built in tests that allows me to clearly see that they have achieved somnambulism.
Trance is achieved fairly quickly while still allowing my clients to fully experience drifting into a pleasant relaxed state and on into a deeper level of hypnosis, where we can really get to work. I found the Elman Induction was easy to learn and for me, has been a foolproof way to help my clients settle into the state they need to be in so they can quiet their conscious mind and begin to do the real work and healing they have come to me for. Since I began using the Elman Induction on a regular basis with clients, my success rate for helping people to achieve somnambulism is now almost 100 percent.
One of the more rewarding things I am involved with, is teaching hypnosis to others who are looking to expand their knowledge. I am often asked to teach basic inductions to people at some of the events I attend. The first induction I always teach is the Elman Induction. My students are pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to learn this one induction. I give them time to practice. My students find the Elman Induction is the one induction they feel most confident about knowing and being able to use when they leave my class.
I am very grateful that Cheryl & Dave have shared Dave Elman’s work and have helped so many of us to understand just how powerful a hypnotic tool it really is.
Linda Nelson